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Sports Goods & Toys Export Promotion Council (SGEPC) sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, established in 1958, is dedicated to promote the exports of Sports Goods & Toys from India. All the leading manufacturers and exporters of sports goods & toys are SGEPC Members. The Council works for and offers the following benefits to its members:

Authentication of Exporters: SGEPC records the annual export figures of all the exporters and is a source for authenticated reliable data.

Promotion of Industry in Overseas events: Council promotes the entire Industry through :
  • India Pavilions in leading international fairs: SGEPC organizes participation and forms an India Pavilion where its member exhibitors are provided with thematic stands as per their individual requirements, at highly negotiated rates.
  • Buyer Seller Meets: SGEPC organizes BSMs in potential countries with the help of Indian Missions and/or local marketing consultants.

Implementing, Processing & Disbursing Grants and Schemes of the Govt.:

  • MDA & MAI Grants for participation in overseas activities
  • Duty Credit Scrip (7% of exports) under Focus Product Scheme.
  • Duty Free import of notified raw materials for sports goods. 

Overseas Business Enquiries: SGEPC circulates business enquires received directly or through Indian Missions abroad and also provides buyers with the list of the exporters as solicited.

Communication and Publicity: The Council has various communication instruments catering to its members, the Govt. as well as buyers which include:
Regular Circulars / Websites / Members Directory / Catalogues / Advertisements / Banners

Link between Industry and Government: SGEPC  is a link between the Industry and the Govt. whereby it channelizes assistance offered by the Government to the Industry. SGEPC also provides feedback of the Industry to the Govt. for Policy formulation & fixation of incentives for the industry.

Market Studies & Dissemination of Information: SGEPC undertakes specific market studies and provides information on market intelligence, trends, related international news, etc. through its communication channels and/or though Seminars and Workshops.

Export Statistics and Projections: for maintenance of records about exports of Sports Goods & Toys as well as evaluation of performance on an annual basis.

Export Awards: Council provides recognition to leading exporters and also to entrepreneurs and achievers.

Visa and Other Support to Members: Visa recommendation letters are provided to members to facilitate their export promotion visits.

Memorandum & Articles of Association
For membership of the Sports Goods Export Promotion Council:
New Delhi- 110 055.
1 The annual membership subscription for the first year is Rs. 10,000/- plus an admission fee of Rs. 2,000/- + 18% GST (Rs 14160/-) which should be paid in through Demand Draft / bank transfer / cheque. From second year onwards, the membership fee will be Rs. 10,000/- + 18% GST (Rs 11,800/-).

2 2. A photocopy of Import & Export Code Number allotted by the concerned office of the Joint/Dy Director General of Foreign Trade.
3. Bank Confidential Report: -

Satisfactory Bank Confidential Report from the Bankers of the applicant firm along with constitution of the firm (to be sent by the bank directly to the Council’s office).


In case of Partnership, Partnership Deed or in case of Pvt. Ltd. concern Memorandum & Article of Association must be attached

5 Letter of Authority duly completed for participation in the Council’s various deliberations including its Annual General Meeting etc.

(a) Manufacturer-Exporter.
(b) Merchant-Exporter.
(c) Merchant cum Manufacturer Exporter.
(d) Service Provider.
(e) Others

In case of Manufacturer-Exporter, the application form must be accompanied with a Photostat copy of the registration certificate issued by the General Manager, District Industries Centre, under whose jurisdiction your organisation falls.

7 Local sales turnover/Export of Sports Goods/Toys of previous financial year.


U N D E R T A K I N G:- (On the letter-head of the applicant firm only), as per below format:- 

The Executive Director,
The Sports Goods Export Promotion Council
1E/6, Swami Ram Tirth Nagar,
New Delhi-110055.

  (a) We undertake to pay a subscription of Rs. 10000/- + 18% GST per year or as may be fixed by the Council from time to time on or before 30th April each year.
  (b) We undertake to submit to the Council’s office our export progress return/s regularly on monthly basis alongwith trade contribution thereon @ 0.04% of F.O.B. Value of exports or as may be fixed by the Council from time to time within 45 days of the close of every month against export effected during the month including that for NIL exports during a particular month/s. (Trade Contribution is 0.05% if submitted after 45 days.)

(c) We also hereby undertake to submit a Chartered Accountant Certificate on his letter-head with his seal, signatures and membership number, substantiating the total FOB value of exports of Sports goods/other items effected by our organisation including that for NIL exports during the year on or before 30th April but not later than 30th June each year as also for financial year in which registration is granted to us by the Council. We further undertake that the total FOB value figures of exports authenticated by the Chartered Accountant will tally with the export figures recorded by the Council on the strength of monthly export figures submitted by our organisation to the Council’s office. This certificate will be mailed to reach the Council’s Secretariat by 30th June each year. Non-compliance by us of any of the covenant of this undertaking will entitle the S.G.E.P.C. to remove our name from their Register of Membership and to inform all concerned offices of the Govt. of India.

Company Stamp:-





Extract from Membership Rules, SGEPC


The Council shall have the following categories of members, namely:

  1. associate Members;
  2. ordinary Members


A person shall be eligible for admission to the Council as associate Member, on receiving the Import-Export Code Number from the Director General, Foreign Trade, Government of India, in respect of the product with which the Council is concerned.


In order to be eligible for ordinary membership of the Council a person must satisfy the following requirements namely:-

  1. He or the entity represented by him must have been an associate members of the Council for at least two years.


(b)           He or the entity represented by him must have, to his or its credit during the three financial years immediately preceding average exports in respect of the product of not less than the amount mentioned below:-


(i)            Small Scale Industries                        :               Rs.   5 lakhs
(i)            others                                                     :               Rs. 15 lakhs



The Committee may, after giving a member reasonable opportunity of hearing, convert the membership of an ordinary member into an associate membership, if his performance as an exporter of the product has, during the financial year immediately preceding been below the average mentioned in clause (b) of 2.3 above



Note: Associate Members may apply to the council for conversion of their membership to “Ordinary Membership” after fulfilling above criteria.

Extract from Articles of Association, SGEPC




Without prejudice to any other rights conferred on ordinary members by the Memorandum of Association of the Council, but subject to the other provisions of these articles, ordinary members shall have the following rights and privileges, namely:

  1. right to stand as a candidate, and to vote at the election of the members of the Committee and the right to vote on all matters brought before a meeting of the Council, provided there are no arrears of subscription or other dues or charges payable by them to the Council on 1st April in the year of voting;


  1. right to requisition a meeting, as provided in these articles;
  1. right to receive the annual reports of the Committee, on payment of the prescribed fee;


  1. right to receive publications of the Council, on the prescribed conditions; and
  2. right to use all such facilities as may be made available to such members by the Council from time to time, on the prescribed conditions.



Without prejudice to any other rights conferred on associate members by the Memorandum of Association, of the Council, such members shall have the following rights and privileges namely;

    • right to receive the Annual Reports of the Committee, on payment of the prescribed fee;
    • right to receive the publications of the Council, on prescribed conditions;
    • right to use all such facilities as may be made available from time to time by the Committee, on the prescribed conditions.